We find the lowest quote we can by searching our panel of top UK insurance providers.
When we compare car insurance quotes from several different providers we always look at the policy features as well as the price.
Typically the things we check are:
- Whether a policy provides cover to drive in Europe
- How much compulsory and voluntary excess applies to the policy
- Whether the policy offers windscreen cover and what excess is payable
- Whether the policy provides you with cover to drive other cars
- If protected no claims bonus is included
- If your personal belongings are covered by the policy
- The level of claims service offered by the insurer
We can offer cover on a wide range of makes & models. Comprehensive may include the following benefits
- Courtesy car
- Guarantee on repairs
- 24hr claims line
- European cover
- Driving of other vehicles extension (third party only)
- Windscreen cover
- Optional legal expenses
For a free comparative quote call Matt Smith on 01562 751003
or email: mattsmith@radaviesltd.com